In short, everyone (except possibly me) thinks that it should be baby time!
On a related note, the nursery is done and I think it looks fantastic!
Here you can see the bookcase that J just finished making last weekend. Clearly, we are far from completing our picture book collection!
You can hardly see it, but on top of the bookcase is a wooden pull toy (a train of zoo animals) that holds a very special place in our hearts. J and I bought it at a craft fair back in Maryland during one of the darkest months of our infertility struggles. I saw it, fell in love, and proceeded to spend the next two hours agonizing over whether or not to buy it. J persuaded me that I'd regret it if I didn't, and that buying it wouldn't jinx anything, so I took a deep breath and pulled out my credit card. When we got home I put it (still in the bag) on the top shelf of our guest room closet. I didn't open the bag again until last weekend, when I put it on top of the bookcase. I can't even describe what that felt like--just the act of pulling it out, dusting it off, and throwing that old bag away was a victory.
One more vistory, and one more week to (officially) go until motherhood. Maybe I'm more ready for this than I think I am.
That has come around quickly! I wonder who'll win the bet?
The room looks great! Thanks for posting the pictures.
Good luck through the last week. (C was 3 days late and G was 3 days early...)
I'll take just three days either way--I'm just hoping it's not a week or more!
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