Thursday, October 19, 2006


I've come to a few decisions about the blog that I hope will serve to protect my privacy in the face of my new job and shouldn't be too disruptive for anyone who enjoys reading it. For starters, I'm going to go back through all of my old posts and delete mine and Husband's names. From here on out, we're C and J. That also means that I'll become C whenever I respond to a post made on another blog, so if you're used to seeing me in your comments section, just look for C and my trademark cherry blossoms photo.

Secondly, I'm going to delete any references I've made to the name of our city. I'm not, however, going to delete the posts I made about the flood in August, since I really do like them. We'll see how this works for now. If I start getting hits from local ISPs, I'll make more changes, but for now I think this should be sufficient.

Thankks for your understanding!


Muffy said...

Do you want us to change you to C in our links to you on our blogs?

C said...

No, you can still keep your links the same if you want to.